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Cómo vender una sentencia por dinero

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To sell a judgment for cash, you can use online judgment marketplaces or reach out to debt collection agencies that specialize in purchasing judgments. Provide the details of your judgment, receive offers from potential buyers, and complete the sale to receive cash for your judgment, often at a discounted rate.

If you've won court judgments but find it difficult to collect the funds from the debtor, selling the judgment to a collection agency for cash might be the best option. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the process, options, and considerations for selling your court judgments in the marketplace to turn them into immediate money.

Why Sell Your Judgement for Cash?

There are several reasons why you, as a buyer, might want to sell your court judgments for cash, including situations involving a debtor.

  1. Time and effort: Collecting on a judgment can take a significant amount of time and effort, especially if the debtor is uncooperative or difficult to locate. Selling the judgment allows you to receive a portion of the judgement amount without having to chase after the debtor.
  2. Expertise: You may not have the knowledge or experience necessary to effectively enforce and collect the judgment. In such cases, selling the judgment to a professional collection agency or law firm can be a wise decision.
  3. Risk mitigation: There is always a risk that you may not be able to collect the full judgment amount. Selling the judgment for cash provides an immediate payment, which could be preferable to the uncertainty of collecting on your own.
  4. Cash flow: If you need funds immediately, selling your judgment can provide quick access to cash that you can use for other financial needs.

Options for Selling Your Judgment

When contemplating selling your court judgment for cash, there are two main options for the buyer and debtor.

1. Judgment Marketplace

A judgment marketplace, such as ours, is an online platform that connects judgment sellers with potential buyers who may be interested in purchasing the judgment. These buyers include collection agencies, law firms, and investors who specialize in collecting on judgments. This option provides a convenient and centralized location for listing, negotiating, and selling your judgment.


  • Access to a wide pool of potential buyers
  • Simple and convenient process for listing and selling your judgment
  • Ability to negotiate the price and terms of the sale


  • Potential competition with other judgment sellers
  • May take time to find a buyer
  • Buyers may be looking for discounted judgments, reducing the amount you receive

2. Direct Sale to a Collection Agency or Law Firm

Another option is to directly sell your court judgment to a collection agency or law firm that specializes in collecting cash from debtors on judgments. This may involve contacting local court agencies or firms and discussing the possibility of converting your cash judgments into a sale, particularly if the debtor is involved. These debtor entities have expertise in court collection on judgments and may be more likely to recover the full cash amount owed.


  • Expertise and resources for collecting on the judgment
  • Potential for a higher recovery rate
  • More control over the negotiation process


  • May take time to find a suitable agency or firm
  • May require more effort to negotiate the sale
  • Potential for a lower sale price due to lack of competition

Factors to Consider When Selling Your Judgment

Before deciding to sell your court judgment for cash, consider several factors related to the debtor and collection process:

  1. Judgment amount: The face value of your judgment will have an impact on the potential sale price. Larger judgments may be more attractive to buyers, but may also require more effort to collect.
  2. Debtor's assets: The likelihood of collecting on your judgment will depend on the debtor's assets and financial situation. If the debtor has substantial assets or a steady income, it may be easier for a buyer to collect on the judgment.
  3. Debtor's location: If the debtor is located in a different state or country, it may be more challenging to enforce and collect the judgment. This can impact the sale price and attractiveness of your judgment to potential buyers.
  4. Age of the judgment: Older judgments may be more difficult to collect, as the debtor may have become more adept at avoiding collection efforts. Additionally, judgments have a statute of limitations, which varies by state, after which they can no longer be enforced.
  5. Existing liens: If there are other liens or judgments against the debtor, this can impact the priority of your judgment and the likelihood of collecting on it. Buyers will take this into consideration when evaluating the value of your judgment.

Tips for Successfully Selling Your Judgment

To maximize your chances of successfully selling your judgment for cash, consider the following tips:

  1. Research potential buyers: When choosing a buyer, take the time to research their background, reputation, and experience in collecting on judgments. This can help ensure that you receive a fair price and that the buyer is capable of collecting on your judgment.
  2. Be prepared to negotiate: Whether you choose to sell your judgment through a marketplace or directly to a collection agency or law firm, be prepared to negotiate the price and terms of the sale. Have a clear understanding of the value of your judgment and be ready to justify your asking price.
  3. Provide detailed information: When listing your judgment for sale, provide as much information as possible about the debtor, the judgment, and any efforts you have made to collect on it. This can help potential buyers accurately assess the value of your judgment and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.
  4. Consider using an escrow service: To protect both parties during the transaction, consider using an escrow service, such as This ensures that the buyer's funds are securely held until the assignment of the judgment is completed and can help prevent potential disputes or issues during the transaction.


Selling your judgment for cash can be a viable solution for individuals and businesses that lack the time, expertise, or resources to collect on a judgment. By considering various factors such as the debtor's cash situation, exploring different collection and sale options, and following the tips provided in this guide, you can successfully sell your judgment and receive the funds you need.

Escrito por
Henry Arora
Jefe de Desarrollo de Negocio

Gestor con experiencia demostrada en el sector Fintech/Servicios al cliente/Cobro de deudas. Hábil en Gestión, Ventas de Cobros, Liderazgo, Gestión de Equipos y Hablar en Público. Sólido profesional de operaciones graduado de la Universidad Madhurai Kamraj.

  • Experto en fintech/servicios al cliente
  • Hablar en público
  • Experto en cobro de deudas

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