Debexpert reviews

Corey J. Oliver

"I just wanted to send a big shout out to the entire debexpert team. They helped us with some npl auctions that my firm had in our portfolio and not only were they incredibly knowledgeable and easy to work with, but they also set very clear expectations and not only met those expectations, but were able to exceed them by two and a half times. So we were very pleased with the results and with the team that we worked with over at debexpert and i definitely look forward to working with them again in the future".

Corey J. Oliver

Corey J. Oliver

Direct Access Capital Holdings
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Mike Hyla

"We came across debexpert on linkedin a few months back and recently we participated in our first auction winning both bids. Their product is interactive and allows you to control your bid and get the most accurate price. Capital link is looking forward to the next auction and winning our next bid".

Mike Hyla

Mike Hyla

Gestión de Capital Link
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Jason A.

Jason de March Motors comparte su exitosa experiencia utilizando para vender cuentas Buy Here Pay Here. En este vídeo, Jason explica cómo March Motors incluyó más de 100 cuentas, por un total aproximado de 1,4 millones de dólares de capital, en Debexpert, una plataforma líder en la negociación de deuda.

Descubra cómo Debexpert atrajo a una amplia gama de compradores de deuda, entre los que se incluyen compradores al por mayor de Buy Here Pay Here, oficinas familiares, empresas de gestión de activos y diversos inversores. Conozca el proceso fluido y el excepcional apoyo proporcionado por el equipo de Debexpert, que lo convierten en una opción recomendada para los intermediarios que deseen vender deuda tanto productiva como no productiva.

Tanto si es usted un distribuidor que busca mejorar su estrategia de venta de deuda como si es un inversor en busca de oportunidades, este vídeo le ofrece valiosas perspectivas sobre las ventajas de utilizar Debexpert para sus transacciones financieras.

¿Por qué mirar?

  • Comprender las ventajas de cotizar la deuda en Debexpert.
  • Escuche de primera mano a un usuario de éxito de la plataforma.
  • Obtenga información sobre cómo atraer a diversos inversores y gestionar eficazmente las ventas de deuda.

Jason A.

Jason A.

Consejero Delegado March Motors
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Sunny Kumar

"Very happy to work together with Debexpert group specially Henry with excellent clients service and they teamwork is very professional, helpful and knowledgeable they goes the extra mile to close for any of the clients. I really admire his work ethics. He is very hardworking and always has answer to our questions .Best part he’s always available to help. I would highly recommend they services. Thank you".

Sunny Kumar

Sunny Kumar

AAA Lenders, Inc.
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Michael Loiacono

"The customer service was great and we really like it. It was overall an a plus experience so i definitely highly recommend it and i appreciate the Debexpert service".

Michael Loiacono

Michael Loiacono

Soluciones Fortress Market
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Dave Gowins

"We didn't have to spend a lot of time to sell portfolio. Itwas really painless on my end so i was really excited and really happy. We'vegot a second portfolio going up. So again I just wanted to say thanks to theteam out there at Debexpert. We appreciate it and hoping to sell many more to come".

Dave Gowins

Dave Gowins

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Dominique Michele Stearns

MaxDrive is excited to share our positive experience with Debexpert, a transformative force in our dealership operations. Debexpert's platform has revolutionized our management of buy-here-pay-here accounts, enabling seamless communication with a broad network of buyers through a single click. Their provision of valuable insights and resources has been instrumental in enhancing our business processes and will continue to benefit us for years to come.The support from Debexpert throughout every phase of our partnership—from bidding to closing and everything in between—has been outstanding. MaxDrive is immensely grateful for their role in streamlining our operations and contributing to our success.We extend our sincere thanks to Debexpert for their exceptional service and support.

Dominique Michele Stearns

Dominique Michele Stearns

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Cody Faller

"Henry está al tanto del seguimiento y la comunicación. Tiene un comportamiento productivo que ayuda a que las transacciones avancen".

Cody Faller

Cody Faller

Faller Financial LLC
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"Debexpert has been friendly to work with and provided us with numerous buyers for our portfolio. They got top dollar for our accounts and I would highly recommend using their firm. Henry did a great job as our Account Representative to make sure the process went smoothly".



Asbury Management Group, Inc.
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Al Curiel

"Henry es el representante de desarrollo de negocio asignado a nuestra pequeña empresa boutique de inversión inmobiliaria. Henry es muy bueno con el seguimiento y responder a cualquier y todas las preguntas que tengo. Estamos muy satisfechos tanto con vuestra plataforma como con el servicio de Henry y su enfoque de "sí se puede"".

Al Curiel

Al Curiel

Associates In Real Estate Holdings, Ltd.
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"I was impressed with the level of customer service I received. Henry, in particular, was a standout member of the Debexpert team. He went above and beyond to answer all of my questions and provide me with the support and guidance I needed to navigate the debt trading process".



Trébol occidental
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Lizette González

"The Debexpert team was extremely helpful. Carlos, Henry, and Mike made the process simple. I would HIGHLY recommend them to anyone needing their services".

Lizette González

Lizette González

Centro monetario autorizado
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Nick Marcelli

"Everyone we worked with was very professional and communication with debexpert along with the third parties were seamless. Transactions, directions and follow up by all parties were exceptional".

Nick Marcelli

Nick Marcelli

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Larry Nein

"Profesional, justo, y va más allá para cerrar las compras de notas--especialmente importante cuando se trata de vendedores poco realistas/difíciles".

Larry Nein

Larry Nein

Inversores en pagarés preferentes
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Liliana Shields

"Gran experiencia. El sitio era fácil de navegar. Henry era extremadamente servicial y bien informado".

Liliana Shields

Liliana Shields

Brightwater Capital LLC
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Anthony Guadagna

"GRAN EXPERIENCIA. Henry es el mejor gran comunicador y muy knowledgible".

Anthony Guadagna

Anthony Guadagna

Nationwide Capital Services, LLC
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Blount Finanzas
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Sylvia Hoffstetter

"I gave Debexpert 5 stars because they have excellent client service. They know their customers and check with them to make sure they have seen product that fits their criteria. Hitansh has been very helpful and knowledgeable".

Sylvia Hoffstetter

Sylvia Hoffstetter

National Note Cash Buyers
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Boyd McClean

"Hay una buena variedad de billetes, aunque algunos tienen saldos muy bajos. El servicio de atención al cliente es bueno y el tiempo de respuesta a las preguntas es muy corto".

Boyd McClean

Boyd McClean

Fletcher,Loucks & Rondeau LLC
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Lisa Lemire

"Our rep at has always been very proactively communicative, reaching out to make sure we are aware of trades that fit our buying box and easily accessible to answer questions and help facilitate the process".

Lisa Lemire

Lisa Lemire

Kamini Bay Asset Management, LLC
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Peter Faris

"Comunicación y apoyo maravillosos. Siempre me han respondido rápidamente a todas mis preguntas, y todo el mundo se ha mostrado complaciente para hacer el proceso lo más fácil posible. Siempre estoy deseando ver las nuevas ofertas, ¡y estoy entusiasmado de estar construyendo una relación con una gran empresa!"

Peter Faris

Peter Faris

Faris Holdings, LLC
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Shawn Muneio

"Siempre es bueno operar en esta plataforma, el equipo es fenomenal y los activos son estupendos".

Shawn Muneio

Shawn Muneio

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Stephen Gieringer


Stephen Gieringer

Stephen Gieringer

NHS of Greater Berks, INC
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