Comprar y vender carteras de deuda en línea
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Comprar un coche sin verificación de crédito: Comprender la financiación "Compre aquí, pague aquí

For individuals with poor or no credit history, purchasing a car can be a daunting task. Traditional lenders often reject their applications, making it difficult to secure financing. This is where "Buy Here, Pay Here" (BHPH) dealerships come into play, offering a solution for those who may not qualify for conventional auto loans.

What is "Buy Here, Pay Here" (BHPH) Auto Financing?

BHPH dealerships are auto sellers that provide in-house financing to customers, rather than relying on third-party lenders. These dealerships cater to individuals with subprime credit scores or those lacking a credit history altogether. The BHPH model allows dealers to make credit decisions independently, enabling them to approve loans for a wider range of customers.

Advantages of Buying a Car through BHPH

  1. Accessibility for those with poor credit: BHPH dealerships provide a viable option for car buyers who may have been turned down by traditional lenders due to their credit history.
  2. Less paperwork and fewer requirements: Compared to conventional auto loans, BHPH financing often involves a simpler application process with fewer documentation requirements.

Disadvantages and Risks of BHPH Financing

  1. Higher interest rates: BHPH loans typically come with significantly higher interest rates than traditional auto loans, which can substantially increase the overall cost of the vehicle.
  2. Limited vehicle selection: BHPH dealerships may have a smaller inventory of cars to choose from, often consisting of older or high-mileage vehicles.
  3. Risk of falling into a debt trap: The high monthly payments associated with BHPH loans can strain borrowers' budgets, potentially leading to missed payments and further damaging their credit.

Impact on Credit History

One significant drawback of BHPH financing is its limited impact on improving credit scores. Many BHPH dealerships only report negative information, such as late payments or defaults, to credit bureaus. This means that even if a borrower makes timely payments, their credit score may not benefit from the positive history. Conversely, missing payments can severely harm an individual's credit standing.

Alternatives to BHPH Financing

Before opting for a BHPH loan, consider the following alternatives:

  1. Saving up for a used car purchase: Building a savings fund to buy a used car outright can help avoid the high costs associated with BHPH financing.
  2. Improving credit before car shopping: Taking steps to improve credit scores, such as paying bills on time and reducing debt, can increase the likelihood of qualifying for a traditional auto loan with better terms.
  3. Finding a co-signer: Securing a co-signer with a strong credit history can help qualify for a conventional auto loan and potentially obtain a lower interest rate.
  4. Exploring credit unions: Some credit unions have more lenient lending criteria and may be willing to work with borrowers who have less-than-perfect credit.

Tips for Buying a Car through BHPH

If BHPH financing is the only option, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Carefully review the loan terms and contract: Make sure to fully understand the interest rate, monthly payments, and any additional fees associated with the loan.
  2. Request reporting to credit bureaus: Ask the dealership to provide written confirmation that they will report your timely payments to major credit bureaus, which can help improve your credit score over time.
  3. Research the dealer's reputation: Look for BHPH dealerships with a history of fair business practices and positive customer reviews.
  4. Be cautious of "guaranteed approval" offers: Some BHPH dealers may use this language to lure in customers, but it's essential to carefully evaluate the terms of any loan offer.


BHPH financing can be a lifeline for car buyers with poor or no credit, providing them with an opportunity to secure transportation. However, it's crucial to carefully weigh the pros and cons before committing to a BHPH loan. The high interest rates and limited impact on credit improvement should be considered against the immediate need for a vehicle. By understanding the risks and exploring alternatives, individuals can make informed decisions when navigating the world of BHPH auto financing.

Escrito por
Carlos Aispuro
Director de Relaciones con Prestamistas

With thirty years of experience in banking, debt collections, compliance, audit, and governance, I have supported strategic plans and improved customer experiences. I possess hands-on knowledge in crucial C-Suite areas, including developing new policies and procedures, optimizing their models, and exploring new tools to help institutions achieve their goals more effectively.

  • Banking, debt collections, compliance, audit, and governance expert
  • Crucial C-Suite areas expert



¿Puedo obtener la aprobación para un préstamo BHPH sin ningún historial de crédito?

Sí, los concesionarios BHPH suelen atender a personas sin historial crediticio. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que las tasas de interés de estos préstamos pueden ser significativamente más altos que los préstamos de automóviles tradicionales.

¿Se requiere un pago inicial para la financiación de BHPH?

Los requisitos de pago inicial varían entre los concesionarios de BHPH. Algunos pueden exigir un pago inicial considerable, mientras que otros pueden ofrecer opciones sin pago inicial. Es importante discutir los requisitos específicos con el concesionario antes de hacer una compra.

¿Puedo cambiar mi vehículo actual en un concesionario BHPH?

Muchos concesionarios de BHPH aceptan permutas, que pueden utilizarse como pago inicial para la compra de su nuevo vehículo. El concesionario evaluará el valor de la permuta y lo aplicará al saldo de su préstamo.

¿Cuánto tarda el proceso de aprobación de la financiación BHPH?

Una de las ventajas de la financiación BHPH es el rápido proceso de aprobación. En la mayoría de los casos, puede obtener la aprobación y salir conduciendo su nuevo vehículo el mismo día, siempre que disponga de la documentación necesaria y cumpla los requisitos del concesionario.

¿Qué ocurre si no pago mi préstamo BHPH?

La falta de pago de un préstamo BHPH puede tener graves consecuencias. Los concesionarios BHPH son conocidos por sus estrictas políticas de embargo, y pueden embargar su vehículo si se atrasa en los pagos. Los pagos atrasados también pueden ser reportados a las agencias de crédito, dañando aún más su puntuación de crédito. Es crucial dar prioridad a los pagos de su coche y comunicarse con el concesionario si anticipa cualquier dificultad para realizar los pagos.

¿Qué deuda vendemos?

Estamos especializados en préstamos para coches, inmuebles, consumo y tarjetas de crédito. Podemos vender cualquier tipo de deuda.
¿Le interesa comprar o vender carteras de deuda?
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