Comprar y vender carteras de deuda en línea

How to select a debt broker: Seller’s tips

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Principales conclusiones:
Selecting a debt broker involves considering their expertise, track record, and reputation in the industry. Research their past performance, client testimonials, and any regulatory credentials to ensure they are a reliable and ethical partner for your debt-related transactions.

The debt market is fragmented and has many participants (the number of debt buyers, including collection agencies that buy debt, is almost 5,000 companies). And things get even worse when companies realize that each participant specializes in a particular type of debt and geography. It will take a lot of time to independently select potential debt buyers of the debt portfolio, conduct their due diligence, collect offers, and close the transaction safely. It will take a lot of time. Therefore, debt brokers play an essential role in the market, helping sellers navigate and make the right decision. This article will tell you how to choose a debt broker or note broker so that your sales, be it auto notes, consumer accounts, judgments, or bankruptcies, sell well, stay in the black, eliminate legal risks and start working with a responsible partner.

Specialization in debt brokers and work experience

As a rule, debt brokers specialize in a particular type of debt, mortgage notes brokers, consumer accounts brokers, bankruptcy brokers, and auto loans and BHPH brokers are distinguished. Each of these types of brokers has a specific set of buyers. A broker offering your debt to a specialized buyer will be able to collect higher price offers, but the number of such buyers and their budgets are limited. Therefore, loan marketplaces have appeared on the market, which combine all types of buyers on one site with different levels of funding on one site.

Compliance of debt buyers

Not all brokers use the same methods of checking debt buyers, and we recommend choosing a debt broker whose due diligence standards match your methods of selecting suppliers. But there is CFPB regulation in debt selling, and debt buyers will have to work with the personal data of suppliers and the laws of each state. Therefore, we recommend focusing on whether the broker is a member of professional bodies and applies their standards. The most common is RMAI membership (Receivables Management Association International). Ask the broker to provide a certificate of membership in this organization.

Information security in the sale of debt portfolios

Information security is vital because debt sales involve sensitive consumer data. You must be careful here because many brokers still use email and phone calls for debt selling. The security of email servers is very often compromised, so we recommend choosing brokers that use end-to-end encryption and digital platforms for placing portfolio data, communication between the buyer and seller of debt, and closing the transaction.

Customer convenience

Buyers of debt portfolios are very often at meetings with sellers and attend specialized conferences, so mobile applications for debt trading have become widespread. We also recommend checking if the debt broker or note broker you selected has such features.

We hope that the debt broker selection methods described above will help you choose the best broker, and you will conduct a safe transaction at a reasonable price.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!

How to select a debt broker: Seller’s tips | Debexpert
Escrito por
Henry Arora
Jefe de Desarrollo de Negocio

Gestor con experiencia demostrada en el sector Fintech/Servicios al cliente/Cobro de deudas. Hábil en Gestión, Ventas de Cobros, Liderazgo, Gestión de Equipos y Hablar en Público. Sólido profesional de operaciones graduado de la Universidad Madhurai Kamraj.

  • Experto en fintech/servicios al cliente
  • Hablar en público
  • Experto en cobro de deudas



¿Qué hace un corredor de deudas?

El agente de deuda es un intermediario profesional que ayuda a conectar a los prestamistas con la red de compradores de deuda, comercializa su cartera y cierra la operación.‍

¿Por qué es importante que los prestamistas trabajen con un corredor de deudas?

Corredor de la deuda tiene una base nacional de compradores de deuda por lo que puede proporcionar una variedad de la deuda más adecuada buyes que se especializan en determinado tipo de deuda. Este tipo de comprador de deuda puede ofrecer el precio más alto posible.‍

¿Por qué es importante que los compradores de deuda trabajen con un corredor de deudas?

Los intermediarios de deuda disponen de una red de prestamistas y entidades financieras, por lo que pueden encontrar una cartera de deuda en venta que resulte interesante para un comprador de deuda.

¿Puedo comprar una cartera de deuda a través de un intermediario de deuda?

Para comprar una cartera de deuda utilizando el servicio de intermediación de deuda, un comprador de deuda debe cumplir los requisitos de conformidad.

¿Dónde encontrar un corredor de deudas?

Hay muchos corredores de deuda en el mercado. Recomendamos utilizar el corredor de la deuda con la reputación, la adhesión a las mejores prácticas de la industria y la protección de datos mediante cifrado de extremo a extremo.‍

¿Qué deuda vendemos?

Estamos especializados en préstamos para coches, inmuebles, consumo y tarjetas de crédito. Podemos vender cualquier tipo de deuda.

Otras carteras de deuda en venta

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