Comprar y vender carteras de deuda en línea

Consumer Debt Buyers

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Most states license the purchase of consumer debt because it involves working with sensitive personal information of debtors and requires compliance with the requirements of the CFPB and the best practices of working with debtors.

In the USA, several self-regulatory organizations also impose requirements for working with debtors on their certified members. The most famous organization is Receivables Management Association International (RMAI). Working with the buyers of this organization, you can expect higher standards of work.

Consumer debt buyers are divided into two classes - passive debt buyers (investor companies) and companies engaged in collecting independently; often, these are collection agencies that buy debt. Passive debt buyers act as investors. After the purchase, they provide debt to the collection agencies or collection attorneys for collection. In other words, they don't recover debt on their own. The second type of buyer uses its own capacity to collect debt.

Both types of buyers are represented on the Debexpert loan marketplace. You can find the full list below.

The List of Featured Consumer Debt Buyers


CRMG was formed with the vision to fully automate, and simplify debt collection and accounts receivable management. As a result, CRMG has developed a ...

AAA Lenders Inc.

AAA Lenders Inc is a private investment financial company and which strives to invest in all sectors as a trusted purchaser of distressed Assets for S...

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... and 400 more debt buying companies

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Consumer Debt Buyers | Debexpert
Escrito por
Ivan Korotaev
Debexpert Consejero Delegado, Cofundador

More than a decade of Ivan's career has been dedicated to Finance, Banking and Digital Solutions. From these three areas, the idea of a fintech solution called Debepxert was born. He started his career in  Big Four consulting and continued in the industry, working as a CFO for publicly traded and digital companies. Ivan came into the debt industry in 2019, when company Debexpert started its first operations. Over the past few years the company, following his lead, has become a technological leader in the US, opened its offices in 10 countries and achieved a record level of sales - 700 debt portfolios per year.

  • Big Four consulting
  • Expert in Finance, Banking and Digital Solutions
  • CFO for publicly traded and digital companies



¿Se pueden comprar deudas?

Sí, pero tendrá que obtener la licencia estatal correspondiente para esta actividad.‍

¿Se puede comprar y vender deuda?

La compra y venta de deuda está permitida en todos los estados, a pesar de que algunos exigen licencia para comprar deuda.

¿Cómo puedo vender deuda?

La mejor manera de vender deuda es a través de una plataforma de subasta de deuda.‍

¿Es rentable comprar deuda?

Sí. Los compradores de deuda ganan dinero adquiriendo deudas impagadas a bajo precio y luego intentando cobrarlas a los deudores. Incluso si el nuevo comprador de deuda cobra sólo una fracción de la cantidad adeudada por una deuda impagada que compra -por ejemplo, dos o tres veces lo que pagó por la deuda-, sigue obteniendo un beneficio significativo.

¿Qué deuda vendemos?

Estamos especializados en préstamos para coches, inmuebles, consumo y tarjetas de crédito. Podemos vender cualquier tipo de deuda.

Otras carteras de deuda en venta

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